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What is a 6 figure salary?

“Six figures” simply refers to a number with six digits. Typically used with money, the term covers amounts from $100,000 to $999,999. (Once you hit 1 million, you’re in seven-figure territory.) Someone with a six-figure salary makes at least $100K. Track your credit score for free. Sign up and get $10.* Recommended: Free Credit Score Monitoring

How much money is 6 figures?

So, exactly how much money is six figures? A six-figure salary means that you’d earn anywhere between $100,000 and $999,999 annually. If your annual income is a six-figure number, you earn a six-figure salary.

Is a 6 figure income a high salary?

That said, a 6 figure income is considered a high salary. Only about 33% of Americans make a salary like this in a year. So it is still fairly rare, but a great goal to aim for. Since six figures covers a wide range of incomes, the amount you'd make per day or month would vary significantly. But suppose you make $100,000 per year.

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